Events This Week
This Week
Tuesday, Dec. 3
Together Tuesday Community Meal on break until Dec. 3
Children's Choir Rehearsal 5:45-6:45pm in the Nicki Hanson Music Room/Sanctuary
Junior Cantors Rehearsal 6:55-7:30pm in the Gathering Room
Holden Evening Prayer at 7pm in the Sanctuary and via Livestream (link here)
Wednesday, Dec. 4
Men's Bible Study at 8am at the Springs at Greer Gardens (1282 Goodpasture Island Rd)
Pastor's Bible Study at 11am (link here)
Personnel at 5:30pm via Zoom
Thursday, Dec. 5
Quilting at 9am in the Gathering Room
Women's Bible Study at 11am hybrid in the library or via Zoom (link here)
Baptism of Harper Huggins at 11am in the Sanctuary
Handbell Rehearsal at 5:15pm in the Nicki Hanson Music Room
Hearth and Table at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall
Sunday, Dec. 8
Second Sunday of Advent Worship at 8:30am in the Sanctuary or via livestream (link here) with Children's Chapel
Adult Education between services (9:45-10:45am) in the Library
Second Sunday of Advent Worship at 11am in the Sanctuary with Children's Chapel
Look ahead to Dec. 8th's scriptures here
Lessons & Carols at 4:30pm in the Sanctuary or via livestream (link here)
Looking Ahead...
Together Tuesdays during Advent (Dec. 3, 10, 17) begins with Soup Supper at 5:15pm, followed by normal Tuesday activities, ends with Advent Worship/Holden Evening Prayer at 7pm in the Sanctuary
Advent Lessons & Carols, Sunday, Dec. 8th at 4:30pm with soup supper following
Bach Magnificat during worship on Sunday, Dec. 15th at 8:30 & 11am featuring the Chorale and numerous musicians
Blue Christmas Service Friday, Dec. 20 at 7pm in the Sanctuary
Christmas Eve Worship at 4:30pm & 9:30pm
Christmas Day Worship at 10am
5th Day of Christmas Worship Sunday, December 29 at 10am
12th Day of Christmas/Epiphany Worship Sunday, January 5 at 8:30am & 11am