Events This Week
This Week
Tuesday, Oct. 8
Together Tuesday Community Meal 5:15-6pm in the Parish Hall
Music Together (age 0-5) 6-6:45pm in the Gathering Room
Children's Choir Rehearsal 5:45-6:45pm in the Nicki Hanson Music Room/Sanctuary
Junior Cantors Rehearsal 6:55-7:30pm in the Sanctuary
Adult Education 6-7pm in the Library
Wednesday, Oct. 9
Men's Bible Study at 8am at the Springs at Greer Gardens (1282 Goodpasture Island Rd)
Pastor's Bible Study at 11am (link here)
Midweek Coffee Hour at 1pm in the Terrace Room
Confirmation at 6pm at United Lutheran
Chorale Rehearsal at 7pm in the Nicki Hanson Music Room
Thursday, Oct. 10​
Next Chapter at 10am in the CLCW Room
Women's Bible Study at 11am via Zoom (link here)
Handbells at 5:15pm in the Nicki Hanson Music Room
Hearth and Table at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall
Midweek Vespers Service at 7pm in the Sanctuary (All are welcome!)
Sunday, Oct. 13
Worship at 8:30am in the Sanctuary or via livestream (link here) with Children's Chapel, Campus Ministry Sunday, and Blessing of the Quilts
Adult Education between services (9:45-10:45am) in the Library in the series "Bridge from the past, in the present, to the future"
Worship at 11am in the Sanctuary with Children's Chapel, Campus Ministry Sunday, and Blessing of the Quilts
Look ahead to October 13th's scriptures here
Looking Ahead...
Quilting Sunday and Campus Ministry Sunday, Oct. 13
Chi Rho Lecture Weekend Friday Oct. 18-Sunday Oct. 20 featuring Dr. Dennis Lindsay
Reformation Sunday, Oct. 27
All Saints' Day Service, Friday, Nov. 1 at 5pm in the Memorial Courtyard
All Saints' Sunday, Nov. 3
Memorial Service for Dennis Vettrus Sunday, November 10 at 2pm with reception following