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Central Lutheran Foundation


The Central Lutheran Foundation was established in 1979 to provide a vehicle to extend Central Lutheran Church’s benevolence beyond the current level of the operating budget. The Foundation serves as the entity that can receive funds/gifts and then disburse the earnings from those funds to deserving individuals or organizations. The Foundation is solely a funding organization whose purpose is to provide financial assistance to those in need and to those who extend the church’s mission. Distribution of Foundation funds are directed to extend Central’s ministry locally, nationally, and internationally. The Foundation serves as a visible extension of the church’s ministry.

Foundation Board

All Members of Central Lutheran Church are members of the Central Lutheran Foundation and have the authority to elect board members to serve the Foundation. The board has the responsibility to administer the funds, establish policies, and direct the activities of the Foundation.  The members of the board serve without compensation.



Central Lutheran Endowment Fund


The Endowment Fund’s purpose is to receive gifts and bequests and to use them for the missions and ministries of Central Lutheran Church outside of the regular operating budget; as well as support to the greater Lutheran church in Oregon, the U.S. and the world.

Endowment Committee

The endowment is overseen by the Endowment committee. Every member of Central is able to propose grants that will be evaluated by the Endowment Committee. For more information about how to give to the endowment, or how to write a grant to request funds from the endowment, contact the Central Lutheran office or download the form here.



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