Lutheran Campus Ministry
Good Soil Campus Ministry is Lutheran campus ministry for students of University of Oregon and Lane Community College.
Please visit begoodsoil.org anytime to learn more about the ways Central Lutheran Church is serving and supporting our student neighbors!
About Good Soil Campus Ministry
We believe that cultivating the health and hearts of students is an investment in the abundant and varied fruits they have to offer the world. Through our values of building community, deepening faith, expanding minds, and inspiring service, we have identified two core programs:
Christus House, our intentional living community; and
Hearth & Table, community garden and weekly community kitchen/free meal.
Our call to love and serve students does not depend on faith affiliation. We are committed to curating spaces that are safe for everyone, and to fostering student leadership that reflects the diverse population we serve.
Good Soil Campus Ministry is a local expression of LuMin (Lutheran Campus Ministry Network, ELCA) and a member of the interfaith UORDA (University of Oregon's Religious Directors Association).