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The opportunity to worship together during an active pandemic is one we must treat with great care. Accordingly, all worship attendees agree to the following:


  • To keep us below the threshold of maximum capacity and to support Contact Tracing Protocols, worship attendees will register in advance of worship Monday-Friday of the preceding week. This can be done online or by calling the church office at 541-345-0395.

  • Everyone will be directed to go through a check-in process prior to entering the facility/grounds in order for us to keep accurate records of all who are present (we encourage you to come early).

  • Everyone will be expected to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before entering and upon exiting the facility/grounds.

  • Regardless of registration, if experiencing  symptoms of illness, members will commit to worship from home.

  • All present will wear masks to protect the people around them (exceptions made for those to whom face coverings pose respiratory risk and children under the age of 5). Please bring your own mask(s) from home; if you do not bring a mask, one will be provided for you.

  • Everyone will be expected to maintain physical distancing of 6 feet (except for those already sharing the same household).

These conditions are subject to change as health and/or state authorities indicate.

Hand Hygiene
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