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Lenten Devotion for Feb. 28 written by Elizabeth Uhlig

Central Lutheran Church

Stand beside the earliest road, ask the pathways of old which is the way to good, and walk it; thus you will find rest for your soul.  Jeremiah 6:16


As Christians and Lutherans, we are the heirs of a long and deep tradition – the traditions of our Jewish ancestors in the Old Testament, the followers of Jesus - the apostles and Paul in the New Testament, the early church fathers, Martin Luther and the Reformation, the ELCA, and our Central Lutheran Church here in Eugene.  As Abbot Jeremy wrote:  Traditions … are valued and lived when they are thought to contain a wisdom still useful for our present and our future.  A Monk’s Alphabet: Moments of Stillness in a Turning World, by Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, Mount Angel Abbey.    

Let us pray. We thank you God for giving us this long tradition which has laid the foundation for our church and our faith. It shows us the way to go and how to do good; it guides us with wisdom and grace now and into the future.  Thank you for the peace that our tradition gives us.  Amen    


Elizabeth Uhlig

Photo: Central Lutheran Church, 1907-1949, 6th and Pearl St., Eugene OR

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