"For God so loved the world..." (John 3:16)
As we begin this year's Lenten journey let us pause to remember who and whose we are. Who are we? We are the body of Christ. Whose are we? We are the people of God. The very heart of God and the depth of God's love for us—for the whole cosmos—was poured out for us and for all creation on the cross. In baptism we were marked with the cross of Christ forever. That cross reminds us of God's abounding love and steadfast promise. On Ash Wednesday we are marked with an ashen cross on our brow. That cross reminds us of our mortality as we hear the somber words, "Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return." Yet, as the Apostle Paul reminds us, there is nothing—not even death—that will ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore, as we journey together, let us be open to the wondrous adventures God has in store for us as the body of Christ, God's own people.
Gracious God, as we journey together this Lent may our hearts, minds, and ears be open to your Word and to your will for our life together. Amen.
Pastor Laurie Jones