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Opportunities to Connect

Connecting with one another is more important than ever before. Worship is the cornerstone of our connection as a faith family, and we hope you will join us however you can do so safely. But our fellowship extends in may different ways!

Weekly Events

Pastor's Bible Study
Christian Booklet

Wednesday Bible Study is hosted on ZOOM every Wednesday, beginning at 11am. Join Pastor Laurie, Vicar Ben, and friends and members of Central Lutheran Church, for a special Lenten Bible Study series. Please email Pastor Laurie for the Zoom link.

Prayer Circle

A Prayer Walk is hosted weekly on Thursdays by Ruth Vettrus. Please email Ruth or the office for more information.


Prayer Shawl Knitting is hosted on ZOOM on Mondays. Please email Sally Diehm for the Zoom link.

Book Group
A Book

Book Group meets once-monthly. Members and friends are invited to read an assigned book for the month, then gather over Zoom to share reflections.

Please email Betsy Berg or the church office for more information.

Theology on Tap

Theology on Tap meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, either on Zoom or masked and distanced outdoors. Members and friends are invited to be social together over their beverage of choice to discuss scriptural and theological topics that rotate each month!


Email Sister Clare for more information.

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