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During these most unusual times when our normal opportunities to gather in-person for worship are compromised by the pandemic, we are finding new ways to share the sacred meal instituted by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In order for all of us to partake of the Eucharist, I invite those of you worshiping with us from home to prepare for communion by having a small piece of bread and a modest glass of wine or grape juice ready prior to worship.


For those who are worshiping in-person in the Sanctuary (9am) we are providing communion kits for you. Each “starter” communion kit has a vial for wine (or grape juice), a few reusable cups, and a couple of wafers. We ask that you replenish your communion kit from home as needed and to bring it with you whenever you worship. For the safety of all, this method of communing eliminates contact between server and communicant. 


Whether you are worshiping with us from home or in-person, during the communion liturgy you will be instructed when it is time for you to commune. If you are worshiping alone, you are invited to self-commune. If you are worshiping with others in your household, you are invited to commune one another. However, please wait for the cue from the Presider before communing. You will hear the words: 

“This is the body of Christ, given for you" [Take and eat] and 

“This is the blood of Christ, shed for you [Take and drink]." 


For the sake of good order entrusted to me as your pastor, I ask that you refrain from using your communion kit or taking communion apart from the worship service. If you desire to receive communion from me (or a Eucharistic Minister), you may call the church office to schedule a home visit.


In Christ's Abiding Love,

+Pastor Laurie

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